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PopScript NoteTab Editor
Now that we've started to get an understanding of the scripts which drive the computer-controlled players in the single-player games, we can start to put together our own scripts. That's hard work with a simple text editor - so many commands to remember. One way round the problem would be to write a new editor from the ground up, and there are people doing that. However, I thought it might be easier to take an existing (free) programmable editor and program it to insert all of the PopScript commands. I chose NoteTab, and I think it has worked quite well. The interface is not XP-wonderful, but there's a lot of functionality there. You can insert any command by clicking on buttons or links and entering basic information in prompted boxes. Indenting is automatic. There's a line counter. And soon we'll be able to compile from within the program (as soon as ALACN has modified his compiler). Check out the instructions, download the Editor files, and see what you think:Instructions (txt file - 10k) PopScript Editor libraries v1.10 (zip file - 30k) Check out the latest version of the scripting help page too (it's also in the zip file): PopScript Scripting Help Page v1.10 Electronic Arts Files
Even though the EA Populous site is down, and is unlikely ever to be revived, you can still (for now) obtain the support files by ftp. Left-click on the link to run/view the file in situ; right-click and select 'save-as' to save it on your hard disk. Left-click on the folder name for a list of the current contenets. Here is a list of what's available in each of the various ftp folders as at 19 November
Hybrid levels
Challengeme3 has worked out a way to swap around the sky and landscape colours in the single player levels. For those used to fighting and dying on Pressure Point (Middle Ground, aka level 17, in single player mode), it seems very strange with a red sky! Here's how you do it:
It may seem complicated at first, but its really quite simple. You can also start off with any other level instead of level 17, it will just have that level with the demo level's sky and landscape.
Try level 17 with 21 (Fractured Earth) and 22 (Solo) landscapes and skies. Its also fun to see all the landscape colors with level 1. Once all the levels are done cycling through, after you see level 25 landscape/sky than loading it again will no longer work, but you can then simply start a new hybrid. Levels 17 and 7 (Unseen Enemy, I think) seem to work the best.
Tribe names
Kurtangle found this one:
Ok, if you do a quicksave from a multiplayer game and then (once the game has ended) load it, then quit, then load a
saved game or start a new single player game (the loaded game must be a level pick not a in
game) and then look at the names of the tribes. You will see the names from the multiplayer game, rather than the normal tribe names. :)
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Last updated: 17 October 2011 |